



{art memories}
Morgan Harper Nichols - Storyteller
(w/ Jamie Grace) [Music Video]
WE ARE CHANGEMAKERS! As followers of Jesus Christ we are created to be storytellers and share the good news. ALCHEMY - Art Memories is a Spirit-led art ministry, lead by the word of God where we are transformed into a New Creation.
ALCHEMY means transformation. Art Memories is the collection of artwork that has become my storytelling platform where I get to share with others the JOY of being transformed, changed by the word of God. Every art piece has a story to tell. This art practice is not about visual beauty and end goals. It is about the process of change, the transformation into a New Creation. Where my relationship with God is discovered, explored and enjoyed. Where my heart becomes tender to receive changes that in turn will affect how I live my life. Praising and giving God all the glory!
Living a LIFE in BLOOM means sharing "flowers" - cultivated to produce and share beauty and joy without ceasing. The word of God calls me to live and walk by the Spirit, to be fruitful and multiply. Yet I was not created to do life alone. WE ARE ALL CREATED to live a life in bloom. To live as followers of Jesus. To share the good news and bring beauty and joy into this world. It is my JOY to share my creative gifts through this art ministry that God has provided me. JOY OF CREATION!
ANCIENT WORDS, Jesus is the Word, rooted in love. Words that change us to be bold and courageous; to live a life in bloom. To love at all times, even when it's not fair. Love is a verb - it creates change in us and around us. Ancient words transform worldly strife (pain, fears, depression, disappointments - overall negative stress) into good news of good fruit in us; us as a new creation. Ancient words strengthen our faith and encourage us to never give up hope that all is well when we live in love - when we are living a life in bloom.
I share my Art Memories (creative stories) with the hope that they will make you smile and encourage you to be creative and make art inspired by ancient words. To remind you to take the time to discover, explore, enjoy the life God has provided you. Below I share a glimpse of where God found me (then), where He keeps me (now) and where He leads me (alchemy).
2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
I was first introduced to my creative spirit by my mother when I was 6 years old. She introduced me to the process of creating my own paper dolls. My mother would draw the female figures for me on cardboard boxes before going off to work and I would spend the day designing and coloring in the outfits. Then came the making of boardgames out of recycled cereal boxes; hand painted and made to resemble the games we saw in the store - but could not afford.
Even then as an immigrant child from Peru newly living in America God blessed me with creative parents to develop me as a changemaker. To see my opportunities, not my limitations. My parent's stories, through the grace of God, formed me into the person I am today. My father a retired Upholster shared his craft with me since I was 11 years-old. I am a problem solver because of how he raised me. My mother, a retired seamstress, shared her love for design and continues to inspire me with her crochet and sewing projects.
My husband and I own a creative small business called ALCHEMY. Alchemy means transformation. Both my upholstery business and my art practice (Art Memories) allows me daily opportunities to transform items (myself included) in the process of becoming something undesirable to something of value. I am a CHANGEMAKER because I change an old beat up sofa with holes into a soft, clean new place to enjoy with new beautiful fabric. This is my love in action; when I serve others. I am reminded of my spiritual journey. Of my personal life changes developed and documented through my Art Memories, my art practice. The tangible alchemy of my storytelling.
Creativity transforms personal wellness. The art that I create changes me spiritually to make me strong enough to do the upholstery business and brave enough to put love into action to discover who I am; where my joy comes from. When I live in joy I can give joy to others. This spiritual creative journey brings to light the powerful truth that I want to share with others... that developing our creativity transforms our personal wellness. God is the alchemist of our life - transforming our story. He is sovereign and in full control. He created us to be creative and bloom. Creativity lead by the word of God engages our 5 senses - controls our eyes to what we see, our ears to what we hear, our mouth to what we speak, our hands to what we touch and our nose to what we smell. The result is we are transformed by God's Holy Spirit, discovering, exploring, enjoying the Good Fruit within us. God in us changing us day by day into His own image. The image of God is love. He created us to be love and to live love in action. We are called to share God's love. To encourage, to inspire change in others and to receive a relationship with God. This spiritual journey of making art for wellness is a gift from God to each of us. God's love, mercy, and grace given on the cross gives us freedom to the truth that can transform us into a New Creation.
Father God, I give You my treasure, my talents, and my time for You to use as Your pulpit, today and every day. In Christ name. Amen
If you are reading these words, THANK YOU! Thank you for hearing my story. I share it so it may not fall on deaf ears but for those who are seeking change; a change that is everlasting - the change is found in God. If you desire to discover, explore, enjoy the word of God along with me please email me at alchemymanager@yahoo.com. I am not a doctor, a counselor, or life coach. Who I am is a child of God looking to glorify and honor God through the gifts and talents that he has provided me. For more information on the Benefits of Christian Art Education click here.